Minggu, 29 April 2018

Get up-to-speed with Northland

Get up-to-speed with
With so many tech terms floating around these days, its hard to keep up, but knowing a few basics can make your familys Internet experience a whole lot better. So, lets bring you up to speed. First - choosing a faster Internet speed from Northland can make a big difference. Heres why.

Your Internet connection is a stream of data flowing in to your home. Each online device removes a portion of that data, or bandwidth, from the stream. With a basic Internet plan, if Moms watching a show on Netflix, her streaming video player can use up to half the data. Sis surfing the web could take this much more.

Johnny turns on his gaming console, and its game over... Luckily, making just a few changes can really speed up your Wi-Fi performance. In addition to choosing the Northland Internet speed that fits your needs, Youll want to upgrade to our latest all-in-one Wi-Fi
modem. And, secure your network with a strong password to protect your personal information, and keep unauthorized people from using up your bandwidth.

These simple steps will optimize the data
stream throughout your home, so that even with all the family devices going at once,
theres plenty of bandwidth for everyone. Streaming video players, computers, tablets, smartphones, game consoles, All working the way you want with no buffering blues
Northland wants to enhance your online life. Give us a call, or visit getnorthland.Com/speed
and learn how the right package can bring your internet up to speed..

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